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Why should I create an account ?

On our website you can access to different services. To enoy that, you need an account.
First, you can registered your postal adress and all your informations to order easily times after. Of course, you can change your personnal data if there is a mistake or if someting changed. Second, you can choose to receive your catalogue according to your personal interest.

Which kind of informations are in my historic ?

Your historic contains all informations about your order. You can also choose to pay with the security payment, with your credit card for every order which is not paid yet.
This service is offered by Numiscollection, no one, except numiscollection's personal, has an access to your account and your data. Numiscollection is engaged to not transfer any information to anyone.

I forgot my password, what can I do ?

You just have to go on the front page, select "I forgot my password" and put your email adress. You will immediatly receive a mail and a new password that you can change after in your personal page.

I want to know the value of one of my coin or paper money

Please send us an email at with pictures of your coin or paper money.

I am looking for coins or paper money which are not on your website

You can send us an email at with the description of the product you want, the price, and the quality you are looking for.

You need an advice ?

Do you have some questions ? Do you need some advice ? You can contact us every morning from 10am to 1pm on +33(0) or with an email on Our team is engaged every afternoon to prepar orders. However, for every emergency you can contact us.

Is my order on the way ?

When we are sending you your order, we are immediatly sending you the tracking number by email. When products are in stock, we are sending them in 2 or 3 days. After the delivery time depends of the compagny and the country.
When products are not in stock, you can't order it, but you can send us an email on to tell us you want it. We can order it for you.

How long does it take to be delivered ?

We are making and delivering your order under 36h. You will receive your order approximatively in 2 weeks, but it depends of the country.

How is it possible to pay ?

We allow different kinds of payment : credit card with security payment, Paypal, bank draft and wire transfer.

Credit Card
A security payment is considered as secure when website's adress is including HTTPS.
That is meaning the website is secured, you can also see a locker draw on the side of the adress.
To secure your payment on we have choosen E-Transactions, security payment system from the Crédit Agricole (bank). To secure its payment, PayPal is using SSL it is an universal protocol which is using all around the world by internet actors (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla, etc ...).
We never have an access to your bank account data, or credit card data.

For the payment, the informations which are going to be asked to you are :
- Credit card's number
- End using date
- Cryptogramm (3 numbers)
- 3D code asking from your bank

3D Secure is an international program created by Visa (Verified by Visa) and Mastercard (Mastercard secure code) to reinforce security on internet.
It is protecting you against fraud. You will receive a code on your mobile, you will have to enter this code to do your purchase.

More informations on :
MasterCard SecureCode on MasterCard's website
Verified by Visa on Visa's website

Wire transfer
IBAN : FR76 1558 9351 9304 3564 3674 055
Name : Numiscollection

How do we determinate price on coins and paper money ?

To classify our coins and paper money and determinate their value, we are using a lot of books

For french paper money

- Les Assignats et les Papiers-Monnaies émis par l'Etat au XVIIIe siècle, Jean LAFAURIE (unavailable)
- Les Billets de Confiance de la Révolution Française 1790-1793, Maurice KOLSKY
- Les Billets des Chambres de Commerce 1914-1925, Jean PIROT, Editions les Chevau-Légers
- Les billets de la Banque de France et du Trésor 1800-2002, Claude FAYETTE, FAYETTE Editions
- La €ote des billets de la Banque de France et du Trésor, Claude FAYETTE

For french "Franc" areas
- Les Billets des D.O.M. - T.O.M., Maurice KOLSKY, Edition 2006
- Les Billets de la Banque de l'Indochine, Maurice KOLSKY et Maurice MUSZYNSKI, Editions Victor GADOURY. ISBN 2-906602-12-4
- Les Billets Africains de la Zone Franc, Roger LECLERC and Maurice KOLSKY, Editions Victor GADOURY (unavailable)
- Les Billets du Maghreb et du Levant, Maurice MUSZYNSKI et Maurice KOLSKY, Editions Victor GADOURY

For world paper money

- Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, Emissions Spécialisées, 2010, Krause Publications
- Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, 1368-1960, 2009, Krause Publications
- Standard Catalog of world Paper Money, 1961-Present, 2010, Krause Publications

For french coins
- Monnaies Françaises depuis 1789 (Ed. V. Gadoury), Édition 2009

For world coins
- Standard Catalog of World Coins 1601-1700 4ème édition, 2009 Krause Publications
- Standard Catalog of World Coins 1701-1800 4ème édition, 2008 Krause Publications
- Standard Catalog of World Coins 1801-1900 6ème édition, 2010 Krause Publications
- Standard Catalog of World Coins 1901-2000 38ème édition, 20 11 Krause Publications
- Standard Catalog of World Coins 2001
- Date 5ème édition, 2011 Krause Publications

You can find most of them on our webiste in Library

I want to have the website in french is available in different languages. There are french and english. If you want to change it, you have to go on the top of this page, in the right corner, and you can change the language in choosing a different flag.

I want to sell coins or paper money, is it possible ?

Numiscollection is offering you a service of second-hand shop.

Some of the benefits are :
- Best selling price for your product
- Best presentation for your product on our website
- Taking advantage of our notoriety

Please contact us if you are interested in this option

Secure payment
3D secure

Delivery in 72 hours
sending with tracking

Payment in 3 installments
Free of charge

Payment by immediate

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