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Terms and conditions

Terms of sale

We carefully select all our tickets. We guarantee their authenticity and the accuracy of the description given in our catalogs and on our web site.

We honor all orders in the order received and within the limits of available items, no minimum is imposed.


All items can be reserved online after enlistment to the Service (see Terms and Conditions of Service).
The availability of items is fully guaranteed (except simultaneously reservation) as only available items actually appear on the site.

You can also book your articles

      - by email to,
      - by postal mail (see address above),
      - by phone call +33(0),
      - by fax +33(0)



Payment is made:

      - during check-out by secure online payment with a Amex, Visa or MasterCard cards,
      - paypal to : (add in comment the number of your order)
      - by check drawn on a French Bank and payable to the order of NumisCollection (see address below),
      - by bank (wire) transfer in favor of the account:


Code IBAN 

FR76 1558 9351 9304 3564 3674 055

Code BIC 

CMBRFR2BARK (Credit Mutuel de Bretagne)

The items reserved by phone or email must be paid within 7 working days, after this period, they will be relisted.


Coins and Banknotes

The shipment is made by registered letter.

Participation in shipping is requested according to the following scale:

European order :

- Order below 150 € : 7 € for a registered letter but you can add an insurance or an express service

- Order above 150 € : free shippment in registered letter but you can add an insurance or an express service

 International order :

- Order below 150 € : 8 € for a registered letter but you can add an insurance or an express service

- Order above 150 € : free shippment in registered letter but you can add an insurance or an express service

Books and supplies

The supplies are delivered in cardboard packaging.
The shipment is made by registered or follow-up letter.

Participation in shipping is requested by the following scale:

Metropolitan France

Participation 8,00 €

DOM-TOM (Guadeloupe, Guyane, Martinique, Nouvelle Calédonie, Réunion, St Pierre & Miquelon, Tahiti)

Participation 15,00 € + 10 € / kilo

Outside Metropolitan France & DOM-TOM

Participation 13,00 € + 10 € / kilo

The shipment charges are not cumulative, you only pay once the amount corresponding to the higher participation sought, eg 8.00 € for a shipment containing notes and several books shipped in metropolitan France.


You can return at your expense and in eight days, all notes and coins that do not satisfy to obtain a refund or exchange.
Items must be returned by registered post in their original condition and packaging.

Please send all correspondence to:

8 rue de la Tour
CS 70042

Or by mail to :

Secure payment
3D secure

Delivery in 72 hours
sending with tracking

Payment in 3 installments
Free of charge

Payment by immediate

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