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NumisCollection: A passion and know-how of Numismatic

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1. Users conditions acceptance

Numiscollection is offering you its services if you are committed to respect the conditions.

2. Service description

We have differents online services

One without subscribing

- Looking at catalogs
- Downloading catalogs
- Survey about paper money

Other with subscription

- Memorising your purchases
- Online booking

- Security payment

3. Subscription duty

If you are using services, you have agreed to :
- give us reliable information about yourself while registering.

- check you information and change them, if necessary,  to keep your data updated.

 4. Personal data

What are we collecting about you :
- Inscription data you are entering when you subscribe.
- You different purchases from the time you have registered on our website.
- We are sending you cookies to memorize you when you acces on our website, in order to faciliate your browsin.

 5. Use of your personal data

We are using your data only to :
- send you our catalogs by mail.
- send your purchases.
- communicate with us about products you want.

Only Numiscollection's employees have the access to your personal data. We are fully committed to keep your personal data secret and confidential. We have a huge security programm to protect your data.

6. Access duty, modification and delete your personal data
According to the law n°78-17 from january 6th, 1978 about informatic, data and liberty, you are allowed to consulte and delete your personal data in our data base. CNIL authorized us to record your data with the article 1006755.

Secure payment
3D secure

Delivery in 72 hours
sending with tracking

Payment in 3 installments
Free of charge

Payment by immediate

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